Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Potty Train in 3 Days: Get Over the Big Hurdle

Are you wondering if your cute little toddler will ever get potty trained? Does he show any signs that he even cares to get out of his diapers? You might feel unsure as to how to go about it. You don’t want to force the issue, yet you think it might be time. Do you think you could really potty train in 3 days?

There have been accelerated methods of potty training since the 1970’s. Many psychiatrists attest to their success, as well as mothers who testify to the progress made by their toddlers.

Most mothers go through the potty training dilemma with every child. You know you are not supposed to push them. You have to wait until they are ready. Watch out for signs, and then take action. However, how much do you wait and how much do you encourage them? Sometimes they are just not interested and sometimes they refuse. It is just hard to make that decision and even know if you are right.

There are some situations that create stress and urgency. Your toddler is starting school, and he is expected to be potty trained. What do you do? Your patience and good will might be starting to run out. You want to do the right thing for your child, but how do you go about it?

A child will not be fully potty trained in 3 days. But you can make great strides with the right method. If you are able to establish and keep up with a system over 3 days, you are well on your way.

Just imagine if in 3 days your child gets out of his diapers and into undies. Of course, there will be months of following up with your child and helping them when they have to go as well as continuing to encourage them. But let’s face it, this is a great step forward, and the beginning of the end of the potty training ordeal.

Get some expert advice on how to potty train in 3 days.

This #1 guide for Potty Training in 3 Days has helped thousands of people potty train

their children.